Jumat, 19 Juni 2009

Solving Energy Crisis in Indonesia

What’s going on in Indonesia? Nowadays, Indonesia is facing energy crisis which is a global effect that we can’t object. This situation happens due to the fact that Indonesia relay too much in non-renewable energy. Moreover, the energy, especially energy from fossil that we consume, comes from other country, so we can’t refuse the global energy crisis to happen in our beloved country. From internal problem, we can find that some merchants play with the stocks. Another thing is many people from higher social level use the energy much more than people from lower social level. Solving energy crisis in Indonesia can be done by finding alternative energy, saving the use of it, and improving surveillance mechanism.
Firstly, finding alternative energy is the crucial aspect to solve energy crisis. It’s because we are too much dependent in energy from fossil, so when the price of energy from fossil rises up, we can do nothing but hope it falls down again. Alternative energy is a solution to release us from dependency of energy from fossil. It’s our investment because it’s not only solving the problem, but also preventing the same problem in the future.
Secondly, to solve energy crisis in short term, we actually have to save the use of it. The data from Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources shows that there is 50% of the energy wasted without any uses. It means that we are too wasteful in using the energy. Other reason is saving the use of the energy can reduce the scarcity of the energy, especially energy from fossil. As we know, energy from fossil is one of non-renewable resources, so when we use it too much, the scarcity will happen and create a huge increasing of the price of energy from fossil. Finally, it will damage our economic development. Economist said that by saving the use of the energy, the price of it will decrease, so people can afford it.
Finally, to support and strengthen those two efforts, we have to improve the surveillance mechanism. Based on the data from Energy Watch and Indonesian Corruption Watch, there are about 60% of the energy being corrupted by the central and region government. Moreover, 90% of it goes to the people who don’t deserve it, so we can conclude that the surveillance mechanism, nowadays, is too minimal. Another thing to have concern is that there are some people who play with the stocks. They want to get advantages from this crisis. Other reason is with improving the surveillance mechanism; people from different social groups can find and get the stocks without having any troubles. So, it’s urgent to improve the surveillance mechanism.
It is clear that energy crisis is very disadvantaging for everyone in every aspect of life. The efforts that I explained above represent long term, short term, and the preventing ways to overcome the crisis. Those efforts can only be done if people and the government walk side-by-side as one, so that we can get out from this miserable crisis.

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